IndigiScapes Schools Program
At Redlands IndigiScapes Centre, we are passionate about creating environmental education programs that will immerse your students in the wonderful natural environment found right here on Redlands Coast.
We can offer education programs at the centre for all subjects and year groups that will engage your students and foster long lasting connections with the natural environment. Programs are curriculum-linked to meet the learning outcomes in the National Quality Framework, whilst inspiring the next generation to protect our unique flora and fauna.
Want to know more? Head to our Planning your visit page.
Ready to book? Complete an online booking form and an Education Officer will be in touch to create a fun and engaging experience for you and your students.
Redland City Council Environment Programs
Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service
The Redlands 24-hour Wildlife Rescue Service is a community volunteer program that responds to calls regarding sick, injured and orphaned wildlife on Redland Coasts.
Managed by Redland City Council, the service runs 24-hours a day every day of the year. To report sick or injured wildlife phone (07) 3833 4031.
Interested in volunteering to be part of this dedicated group of volunteers? Find out more

Koala conservation
Redlands Coast is home to one of the most significant urban koala populations in Australia. While koala populations have diminished over the years, a viable breeding population can still be found in the area. Redland City Council is working closely with research partners and the community to conserve and support our local koalas.
You can improve the health and wellbeing of our koala population while you’re out on a walk, going for a jog or a ride. Simply record your koala sightings through Redlands Coast Koala Watch.
Learn more about koalas and how you can help on the Redland City Council website.

Environmental partnerships
Looking to enhance the natural environment on your property? The Environmental Partnership program supports landholders to protect and nurture a diverse and healthy natural environment on their property. Through these programs there are opportunities for advice visits, workshops, funding and more. Explore our program options today:
- Voluntary Conservation Agreement Program
- Land for Wildlife
- Waterways Extension Program
- Rural Support Program
- Koala Conservation Agreement Program
- Your Backyard Garden Program

Discover what’s hiding in your local patch of bushland! Redlands Coast is home to a diverse range of native flora and fauna and our Bushcare volunteers play an important role in restoring local conservation areas.
When you join a Community Bushcare group you’ll learn about natural bush regeneration and native plant identification while gaining hands on experience in weed management and habitat restoration.
Come and join the fun and discover what is hiding in your local patch of bushland!
Find by topic
Environment and Sustainability Information
Learn more about green living, the natural environment, waterways, wildlife, pests and weeds in Redlands Coast
School Excursions
Plan your visit to IndigiScapes
Learn how you can get hands-on to restore your local bushland area
Environmental Partnerships
Learn about the programs that help support you to maintain the natural environment on your property